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Girl Report | History: Our Hope for the Future

Nesha S. Girl Reporter As we celebrate Veteran’s Day, we honor our military veterans, those who sacrificed for our country, and we celebrate our American history. The history of America is our hope for the future.  It is a history of incredible valor, sacrifice, tragedy, love, war, struggle, failure, victory, diversity, and unity. Empires rise and fall.  It is up to the next generations, including … Continue reading Girl Report | History: Our Hope for the Future

Girl Report | Building a Future for Impactful Leaders: 2017 Youth Symposium

Sophia E.  Girl Reporter On Saturday March 11th, I had the opportunity to participate in this years Youth Symposium, hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., held at Kaiser High School. It was a day of educational workshops for students and parents.  When my family and I arrived at Kaiser High School we were introduced to the members of the Alumni Board of the Sigma … Continue reading Girl Report | Building a Future for Impactful Leaders: 2017 Youth Symposium

GIRL REPORT | Junior Girl Scouts Jam At Camp Wi-Wo-Ca

By Girl Reporter Alyssa T.

On Friday, May 22, dozens of Girl Scouts descended upon Camp Wi-Wo-Ca for a fabulous, fun filled event called Junior Jam. This year’s theme was called “Once Upon a Time…It’s Your Story”.

Junior Jam is an annual campout where Junior level Girl Scouts practice their ability and confidence in various skills while competing in friendly competition; it is an opportunity to showcase their Outdoor Skills learned throughout the weekend and from previous years…. Continue reading GIRL REPORT | Junior Girl Scouts Jam At Camp Wi-Wo-Ca

GIRL REPORT | Girls Shine At Gold & Silver Gala

One of our first-ever Girl Reporters just finished this story on the Gold and Silver Awards Gala last month. Read what Kassidy has to say!
Eighteen wonderful women earned their Gold Award at the Gold and Silver Awards Gala in Riverside, Ca. on April 19, 2015. The Gold Award is the highest award any Girl Scout can earn and only 6 percent of all Girl Scouts earn their Gold. Each girl was strongly passionate about something that could help the community…. Continue reading GIRL REPORT | Girls Shine At Gold & Silver Gala

Outdoor Living Skills: Level 1 – The Beginner

So you want your Girl Scout to become an Outdoor Living Skills expert? Someone others can count on when the going gets tough and a leader to take the charge? Well, that little Brownie still has a way to go until she reaches the Master level, but there’s no better time to start than as a Brownie! Why is that? Keep in mind that the … Continue reading Outdoor Living Skills: Level 1 – The Beginner

In every box of Girl Scout Cookies, girls like Kira explore their world!

  Although I have had a lot of fun traveling with my sisters in my troop, so far, the trip to Europe this past summer was my favorite.  It made me feel really good to know that through Girl Scout Cookies and Fall Product I was able to raise 25% of the funds needed toHO pay for this trip. There was a little Girl Scout … Continue reading In every box of Girl Scout Cookies, girls like Kira explore their world!

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend is February 27 – March 1

Listen up Girl Scout Cookie Fans, for we bring thee joyous news. National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend (NGSCW) will take place February 27–March 1 this year. What is this NGSCW, you ask? Why, it’s only the national holiday for Girl Scout Cookies! All across the country Girl Scouts will sell cookies at booths, door to door, and through Digital Cookie, the first national digital platform that enables our girls to sell … Continue reading National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend is February 27 – March 1

Be a Girl Scout dad? Yep, Girl Scouts isn’t just for moms!

Thinking back again to that first year when I thought it was just a mother daughter program, I’m glad I was wrong. My family has spent much more time together as a family because of Girl Scouts. It might be camping, hiking, or service projects like a food drive or doing flag retirements. Working with the community by delivering meals on the holidays or just picking up trash. Special events like parades, movie premiers, and the never ending programs that the Girl Scouts offer for families to participate in. Every one of these events my girls have done, have brought the family together. Continue reading Be a Girl Scout dad? Yep, Girl Scouts isn’t just for moms!

GIRL SPEAK: Wilderness Adventure Photography Camp – GS Destinations

By Avery This week-long camp not only taught me about the art of photography, and the joys of travel, but I got to experience this all with girls just like me; together we grew as photographers, individuals, and women. Every day was a new adventure for me, we learned, explored, and took countless photos of it all. It all started on June 6, 2014 when … Continue reading GIRL SPEAK: Wilderness Adventure Photography Camp – GS Destinations