GIRL REPORT | Junior Girl Scouts Jam At Camp Wi-Wo-Ca

By Girl Reporter Alyssa T. 

On Friday, May 22, dozens of Girl Scouts descended upon Camp Wi-Wo-Ca for a fabulous, fun filled event called Junior Jam. This year’s theme was called “Once Upon a Time…It’s Your Story”.

Junior Jam is an annual campout where Junior level Girl Scouts practice their ability and confidence in various skills while competing in friendly competition; it is an opportunity to showcase their Outdoor Skills learned throughout the weekend and from previous years. 

Junior Girl Scouts learning the outdoor skill of lashing! Photo curtesy of Alyssa T.

Upon arrival, troops quickly set up camp in the rain, pitching tents and setting up for the night’s dinner and campfire. The next morning, troops were greeted with many exciting skill and competition events like map reading, first aid training, and lashing (where girls use rope knots to stabilize or hold tripod frames together). When asked what was the hardest skill learned during the day’s events, Talia H. from Troop 111 said, “I’d have to say lashing was the hardest skill. It’s really difficult to keep everything together and in place. But it was fun!”

There were also lots of exciting games to play like the classic game “Mother, May I”, and another game called “Mummy,” in which players form a circle around a blindfolded player (the mummy) who has to find and tag another player. Following the games, there was a parade. The parade was a competition to exhibit the best individual troop spirit. Before camp, each troop decided on a theme for banners and t-shirts and practiced a skit. Dressed in their themed shirts, troops paraded near the campfire and each troop presented a short skit or song to the judges. The day concluded with dinner, followed by a campfire and skits that were enjoyed by all.

Cold and rainy? No problem for Girl Scouts. Photo curtesy of Alyssa T.

On Sunday, the last day of camp, the girls awoke early in the morning to attend the awards ceremony, the culminating event of Junior Jam weekend. The staff leader of each activity presented the awards to the girls. Awards ranged from individual achievements in each skill learned, and one was given to the overall winning troop in all skills. After the ceremony, it was time to pack up and head home.

Although it was cold and rainy for most of Junior Jam weekend, you’d never suspect it looking at the warm smiles of the girls as they left camp filled with stories they’ll remember forever.

4 thoughts on “GIRL REPORT | Junior Girl Scouts Jam At Camp Wi-Wo-Ca

  1. Is there a Junior Jam this May 22nd? I saw that this event was full on May 27 – 29 @ the Azela Trails in the GSSGC. Could you let me know who to contact to get more information? This is great for girls to demonstrate what skills they’ve learn for the outdoors.

  2. Great job Lissie! You did an excellent job writing about your experience at Junior Jam. Keep writing!
