Girl Report | Collage Badge Class


Alyssa G.

Girl Reporter

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at becoming the next famous artist? Well, with the help of Mrs. Fairy Mary and her Girl Scout sister I was able to bring out my inner artist! On Friday, September 15th, I had the opportunity to go to a really fun senior collage badge class where me and my fellow Scouts got the opportunity to experience in depth just how art can be used to express ourselves, all while connecting with different types of people who love to have fun just like you or me. 


Unknown-4Our teacher Mrs. Fairy Mary gave me the inside scoop on just how long she’s been working here and what’s kept her here so long. Mrs. Mary has been working at San Gorgonio Council for 18 years and has been teaching badge classes for as long as she’s been here. Can you believe that? Some of the reasons she’s been here for so long is her love for “teaching girls something new” and her “enjoyment working with older girls.”  


When we arrived at the council Mrs. Mary was very bubbly and kind. She started with explaining to all the girls what a mosaic was and how we would be creating our own fun filled and personal mosaic. A mosaic is a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass. Using glass proved to be far too dangerous, however, we chose from a wide variety of materials such as magazines, popsicle sticks, feathers, and so much more! We also had the opportunity to create a very fun and unique piece of artwork. We were allowed to choose from the various materials provided to create an amazing burst of creativity in our very own 3D mosaic. For my 3D mosaic, I choose to use diamonds and princess crowns to create my very own version of a diamond princess! 


Unknown-5All my scout sisters had such creative and fun ideas for their mosaics. Jillian B. used spoons, makers, and feathers to create an astonishing palm tree with a beautiful sunset background for her 3D mosaic. For her regular mosaic Jillian used her creativity and amazing crafting skills to make a lovely beach scene including the important message of “girl power.” Some of the other Scouts used their favorite holidays and tv shows to create their unique mosaic.


All in all, I had a very fun and memorable experience creating my own pieces of art work and expressing myself in unique ways with Mrs. Fairy Mary and my other Girl Scout sisters that attended. We learned a lot about how to use our feelings and thoughts and express them through art that can be interpreted different by everyone. Art is very beneficial to Girl Scouts everywhere and should be a more sought after pass time or talent.


While this badge class is geared for older scouts due to some of the materials used in creating the mosaics such as hot glue guns and sharp scissors, there are many other fun and exciting badge classes available for all ages. There’s a wide variety of badge classes for you to choose from. From daises to seniors you could find a badge class that’s perfect for you. You’d be surprised at how many amazing badge classes you could be missing out on! Make sure you check out the website and find a class that’s perfect for you! 


For more information visit  http://www.gssgc/
